26th Feb 2013

2 min 56 sec
Pneumatic conveying


FLSmidth Dome Silos for cement storage

FLSmidth's Ful-Floor Dome Reclaim system provides cost-effective material reclaim. Reclaim efficiency greater than 99% is achieved. Average power consumption is low. The 105 plant gives you a complete facility from site to final production plant in 105 seconds. Turn up the loudspeakers and make yourself comfortable.The cement plant of the future is first created in cyberspace. At a pace no one would have thought possible just a few years ago. Find more informations about Dome Silos at http://www.flsmidth.com/en-US/Industries/Categories/Products/Material+Handling/Stockyard+Equipment/Silos+-+Storage+and+Blending/Dome+Storage