Increase production, cut costs, and reduce energy consumption and carbon footprint

An intelligent control solution for the cement industry
Our ECS/ProcessExpert software provides advanced process control and optimization for the cement industry. Bringing together our experience and knowledge of the cement making process with the most advanced control technologies, it delivers maximum efficiency and higher profitability, while also supports your sustainability ambitions, including reduced carbon emissions and higher alternative fuel substitution rates.

Improve your bottom line
What set’s our ECS/ProcessExpert software apart from competitors? Two words: domain expertise. Our software is the only known advanced process control solution built for the cement industry by cement industry experts. It means you can be confident in the ability of our software to make an impact at your plant. You’ll also have the support of our remote team of experts to make sure the system is working as you need it to. ECS/ProcessExpert solutions are available for:
Combining process control and AI technologies Our ECS/ProcessExpert software uses advanced techniques such as self-adaptive control, model predictive control fuzzy logic rules, and user defined programs to handle a wide range of process challenges and deliver best-possible operation of pyroprocess and milling operations.
Out-of-the-box features and functionality
• Smart objects: intelligent process objects that integrate process and control engineering knowledge. • Modelling tool that helps find the process variables and actuators correlating to the model. • Fuel distribution (pyroprocess) module for controlling the use of alternative fuels in the kiln. • Module for controlling recipe changes in the raw and finish mills. • Mill ramp-up facilitates ramp-up of grinding circuits, ensuring nominal production is achieved faster and with less process variability. • Target adaptation continuously adapts the operational targets to ensure maximum production and minimum fuel/energy consumption are achieved. • Advisory mode recommends actions to the operators when the system is not in operation. • Holistic solutions that optimize mill and kiln operation, customized to each plant. • Decision tree component illustrates the process status and reveals the underlying reasons to the operator.