At last: a hot/wet gas analysis system that excels in high sulphur conditions

Eliminating acid damage with the KilnLoq® HW Laser Gas Analysis System
Alternative fuels and raw materials with high sulphur content can damage your gas analysis system. Acid formation and corrosion can take your kiln inlet analyser out of operation altogether, leaving the kiln operator blind. Repairs are expensive and time consuming. And while you wait for your gas analysis system to be fixed, you can’t take the crucial measurements that can help you optimise the process and keep emissions in check.

Hot/wet laser technology: A unique combination
The KilnLoq® HW Laser System is: The only laser-based hot/wet analyser solution on the market; The simplest hot/wet analyser solution with the least maintenance requirements and the most accurate hot/wet gas analysis solution available.
Fast, precise hot/wet gas analysis without the downtime
High sulphur levels cause big problems
Hot/wet analysis eliminates acid damage
Hot/wet technology compared to cold/dry
Less consumption of wear/spare parts – expected saving over 5 years: EUR 8000. Savings on maintenance hours – reduced from 2 hours/week to 2 hours/month; expected saving over 5 years: 400 hours. Savings on man-hours for calibration due to less drift on analyser – reduced from once per week to once per year; expected saving over 5 years: 250 man-hours. Savings on repairs due to acid problems – expected savings over 5 years: EUR 35.000
Introduced in 2003, the KilnLoq® probe has proven to be the optimum solution for kiln inlet gas analysis with more than 300 references worldwide. While other products may have bends, obstacles or deposits that can get in the way of samples, the KilnLoq® probe uses the One Pipe system, which samples gas in a straight pipe. The process gas enters the filter housing through the centre of the pipe, where it passes through a coaxial filter for collection and analysis. The filter itself is built into a section of the One Pipe sample probe and the entire probe system is heated to 180°C, preventing the condensation of sulphuric acid.