Feedex® Overhead Reclaimer

Alternative fuels storage

Storing alternative fuels with the Feedex® overhead reclaimer system • High volume live storage in an enclosed building • Optimised for blending fuels and AF homogenisation • Eliminates problems with bridging and clogging • Ensures complete discharge • Robust, heavy duty design • Low energy consumption, cost-effective • Easy maintenance and service, ATEX certified
Feedex overhead reclaimer for alternative fuels

What we offer

Flexibility and low energy consumption

FLSmidth Cement is a leading provider of alternative fuels (AF) solutions offering a wide scope of products, such as the Pfister® TRW-S/D Rotor Weighfeeder, the Feedex® Overhead reclaimer, the FuelFlex® Pyrolizer or the Hotdisc®, and also the patented FEEDflex™ technology to lower significantly the minimum feedrate (feed range 1:100) of the Pfister® DRW Rotor Weighfeeder to enable highest possible AF substitution rates and save primary fuel to its maximum extent. The Feedex system is applicable for a wide range of AF, for example Refuse-Derived Fuels (RDF), Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), biomasses like wood chips, rice husk and many other materials. It is particularly suitable for storing non-free-flowing AF and compressible materials, such as dry/wet RDF. The Feedex system eliminates bridging and clogging of AF, ensuring complete discharge. It has low energy consumption and is easy to maintain and clean.

Feedex overhead reclaimer

Optimised fuel blending and homogenation

The modular design – from a single box to multiple boxes – is flexible to match your needs. You can store different fuel types in separate boxes and blend the fuel to facilitate optimal firing. The system is optimised for blending fuels and ensures AF homogenisation – both in the box and between boxes. The technology has been proven to handle extreme climates, at temperatures down to -25 °C and up to +50 °C, and the drive in the Feedex frame is designed with a built-in dust filter and a self-cooling motor, maximising reliability. The system supports a high Thermal Substitution Ratio (TSR), in both the kiln and calciner, significantly reducing fuel costs, helping plants become more sustainable and ultimately lowering the CO2 footprint.

FeedEx overhead reclaimer

Safe, reliable and easy to maintain

The Feedex system is ATEX certified and stands out with its safety features. Unlike other systems, the marine-quality hoisting chains mean no loaded wires where plant staff are walking, significantly improving safety. When the Feedex is combined with the FLSmidth Pfister® rotor weighfeeder TRW-S/D dosing system you get the most accurate dosing of AF into the kiln burner or calciner.

Pfister dosing system

The Feedex overhead reclaimer is suitable for several sizes of alternative fuel:

• Main burner: 30x30 mm (2D) • Calciner: 100x100 mm (2D) • Hotdisc®: 300x300 mm (2D) • Gasifier: 300x300x300 mm (3D) - particles < 1 kg. • Hotdisc®: 300x300x300 mm (3D) - particles < 1 kg

Feedex overhead reclaimer, typical flow diagram



Feedex overhead reclaimer for alternative fuels

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