Our Precast Outlet Sectors simplify maintenance, avoid costly downtime

Reliable Precast Kiln Outlet Sectors that secures high kiln availability
Our concept means you can choose to have a second set of outlet sectors ready for replacement, drastically reducing replacement time. Here’s how it works. Our system consists of permanent sectors bolted directly to the kiln shell plus one set of hanging sectors that are precast before installation. The hanging steel sectors are easy to replace and with a second set available as recommended, ready for installation, you won’t lose production time waiting for the delivery.

Precast Kiln Outlet Sectors help cut down on lost production time
Avoid costly kiln stops
Fast and easy installation
More control of the casting process
Our Kiln Outlet Sector System consists of just a few parts. Bolted to the kiln shell are permanent sectors. These permanent sectors are protected by replaceable steel hanging sectors with refractory casting. Meanwhile, closing sectors effectively seal the cowl shell and minimise dust emissions from the kiln outlet.