Efficient and reliable ESP solutions for dust emission control

Trouble-free dust emission control
All industries are facing more strict and tough emissions limits, which bring along extra cost and process pressures. Failure to comply is not an option – but the cost of compliance can be prohibitive. It doesn’t have to be this way. Our ESP solutions beats competition (including fabric filters) in efficiency, reliability, TCO, OPEX and with emissions below 5mg/Nm3. With more than 3,000 ESPs installed in a wide range of industries, FLSmidth provides ESP solutions for processes within cement, pulp and paper, iron and steel, and metallurgical production. We have the proven experience and the know-how to understand your process requirements or challenges. This means we can design and configure the most optimal and efficient ESP, while complying to the most stringent dust emissions regulations. As part of our unwavering commitment to environmental responsibility, we are continually developing our ESP technology to ensure that our customers consistently operate well below the prescribed emission limits. This is achieved through optimized gas distribution, improved particulate capture, and sustainable practices, including reduced energy consumption.